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Wood Chippers – Should I Buy One?

Wood Chippers – Should I Buy One? Wood chippers are a great way to make use of annoying branches and bushes which you would otherwise have had to reluctantly drive to the dump. The design and build of Hansa chippers means you can shred just about anything you throw into


When Should I Aerate – Prevention or Remedy?

When should I aerate – prevention or remedy? While best practice has often been aerating after a wet weather event , subsoil aeration before a wet weather event offers its own unique benefits to get pastures through in good condition. An assessment needs to be carried out in order to


How Do I Manage and Control Lantana

How is Lantana a problem? All forms of lantana are thought to be toxic, with the red-flowered forms being the most dangerous to stock. Lantana poisoning in cattle is quite common and causes major economic losses. During droughts, or when other feed is scarce, stock are also more likely to


How to Aid Pasture Recovery After Drought, Fire or Flood

Pasture Condition Drought conditions Soil becomes very hard affecting aeration, nutrient take up through lack of water, water holding capacity and microbial activity Vigour of plants is affected Very slow if any recovery after grazing. Essentially the pasture is permanently damaged Bare ground becomes evident allowing weeds to take over